years pass, age creeps up

Covid gave me a break from everything. It seems to be over, give or take the odd continuing few thousand cases. I haven’t had it yet, despite looking after Jacob. We’ve been in the new cottage for almost a year. This week I saw the first bullfinch . Suki is now Luna and instead of 14 and ailing, is 3 and a hunter. I found a flea in bed. Rats, rabbits, shrews, voles, mice all are presented with a special demanding yowl of success. Fields of purple tansy are thrilling at Perranuthnoe. Much coffee and cake occupy time and I fatten faster than a Christmas goose. The loss of a gallbladder has facilitated this: I can eat anything without pain.

I mow paths through the lawn but leave the rest to the buttercups and daisies, plantain, speedwell, scarlet pimpernel, dandelions. The slugs have eaten all of Kat’s hardwork veg plot. The pond has newt and tadpoles.

Afghan crochet and cello practice occupy happy time. Right now, Jacob is home for a few days before heading back to Hanoi till September. I’m worried it’ll be too hot. Fred is slaving over data in Amsterdam, I worry about his mental health.

This is the happiest time of life, the least stressful; there’s time for gentleness and fun ( and cake) Chance to be fully present to every moment instead of scattered and overstretched. Death is closer than birth. Why fear the inevitable? Music is everywhere, everywhen.

Luna wants my attention ❤

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